Cute Wars - who can post the cutest photo ever?

45 replies since 13th September 2012 • Last reply 13th September 2012

This is so cute!

Medium puppy1
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Oh, and how about this one! FYI, these aren't my photos, I just found them on Google.

Medium puppy2
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My dog is cute Tongue

Medium img 0006
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they look so blissful.

Medium so freakin cute  cats 248624 1024 768
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OMG, dogs....they're so cute Happy I love the little white one!

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This is my kitty, Romeo. He loves playing with string =]

Medium dscf0355
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One of my babies <3

Medium 198706 10151070865278517 833206203 n
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My dog when he was itty bitty.

Medium 9735 581198961093 1839474 n
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CHIPMUNK!!!! Happy

Medium cute chipmunk
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I see your chipmunk and raise you a squirrel.

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Oh quick warning of the video above- if cartoons, voodoo or cartoon violence offends you- don't watch.

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a ferret baby! Happy

Medium cute baby ferret pic sleeping
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a baby sloth in baby jammiez

Medium baby sloth onesie
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Medium image
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Here's my auntie Chihuahua!

Medium 089
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