Operation Christmas Child

Does anybody do this on here? I used to fill a shoebox every year when i was a kid. Used to love doing them!! Started doing them again after i'd had my daughter, and we've just wrapped up our shoebox and put some of the things in we've bought. Happy

For anyone who's not heard of it, it's a charity that sends shoeboxes filled with gifts for poor children around the world.
www.operationchristmaschild.org.uk is their uk website.

I just watched a video showing some of the children who recieve these gifts and i was crying!! Something so small makes their little faces light up! Happy

I've bought a few things so far, but was thinking about making a few little things (but not stuffed toys as they need to be CE certified or something), anybody wanna help me with ideas?!

cheers x

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11 replies since 29th October 2011 • Last reply 29th October 2011

We had something like that when I was in primary school, but not during the christmas-period. Operation Shoebox was it called in Dutch. I don't have much idea's at the moment of what you can make..

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I haven't ever heard of that charity before, but it sounds amazing! I love giving to children especially during the holidays <3

I started my own Christmas charity tradition when I was too old to get sweet toys and art supplies. So probably when I was about 16-17. yrs old. I started the tradition with my mom, and now do it with my husband Happy

Every year the Salvation Army collects names of children that wont be able to have a Christmas and has them fill out a small survey about how old they are, whats their fav colors, and toys, movies, music they'd really like to receive, and then also their clothing sizes and if they need winter clothes. Then the Salvation Army takes the info and prints it on large tags that they hang on Christmas trees in the malls and shopping plazas. You can browse the trees and pick one (or more) that you'd like to shop for. They put your name down and you take the tags and go shopping, then bring the gifts back to them and they wrap and deliver them <3

I always find ones that are artist and shop for them! I love reading the ones that want books and paint and sketchbooks for Christmas! I usually go a bit over board, lol but I love it! I also go and pick out a cute outfit for them too, and winter clothes (when I actually lived somewhere it got snow, lol)

Anyway I love kids and we haven't had the good fortune to have any yet, so I love shopping at Christmas time knowing someone is really going to love the gifts <

I love the sports theme idea boxes for boys! Like maybe a baseball or small football(soccer ball, lol). Those practice size soccer balls are great for juggling with friends and practicing footwork! I had literally dozens of them when I played. I'd probably do something like hard candy, colored pencils, sketchbook, small soccer ball, reusable water bottle, and a small drawstring sports backpack!

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I always used to do this when I still lived in the UK! I was very young back then but I loved filling the boxes with things I'd want to get myself, like teddies or colouring books. It was a really cute and fun thing to do

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We had these at primary school and it was great Happy As soon i hit high school though it stopped and we didnt do them anymore, i miss it actually Happy

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Try knitting or sewing hats and scarves for those boxes that head to colder eastern European countries.
Or make clip on earrings, bracelets etc.

Deadlines the 18th of nov ;)

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How about pencil rolls for colouring pencils or crayons?

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We have that in the States as well. I remember doing it when I was younger! I know now my mom puts little toys in to Christmas stocking and gives it to some local charity, I believe to help abused woman and children. I gave away some of my old toys to them.

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oooh, the crayon roll up sounds like a good one, i'll start on that when i get a second to myself this week! Happy

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not got loads of room left so i'm making an owl hat Happy gonna make it tonight so i can take the box to Peppers' school tomorrow Happy

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I just heard about this about a month ago. This summer I am going to put together some easy kits of beads and cord and such, as well as other things. This way the kids can create something themselves. I remember always begging my parents to take me to Bobby's Hobby Lobby (a local hobby shop that has since closed) every time I had holiday or birthday money.

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great idea, off to the website i go.

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