Blogger Stats
Despite having been blogging for a year, I only just now discovered what the "stats" button was. This of course gave me endless entertainment as I was able to see all sorts of crazy things like how many page views I had today and yesterday and what my most popular posts are. What really interested me was discovering how people came across my little blog.
This amused me greatly because I discovered that my H&M Inspired Dress which has been popular on this site has now been translated and posted on a Turkish DIY site! I loved trying to decipher what comments were left on it in the broken translated English from Google and seeing what questions and thoughts people from the other side of the world had about my little dress. I’m sort of blown away by how popular that one simple dress has become. Especially since someone on Threadbanger had asked if anyone had any ideas on how to make the dress and that was simply what I came up with for an answer.
I’d love to know if any of you guys have checked your blogger stats and what you found interesting about them?
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