Determined to start saving up!!
Me and my Fiance want to get Married in Thailand. We've wanted to before we were even engaged! We've estimated it'll cost around £5000 to do it.We did start saving up once, but then used the money to go on holiday and never paid in back in to that account!
It's been impossible to save whilst i wasn't working, but now i got myself a job i really want to be serious about saving up!! I won't get a loan,so if i'm gonna get married then i have to do this!
This week we recieved a cheque from our old landlord with our depsit money we've been waiting 8months for, so once it clears that will be going straight in to the account i have (it's online and i dont have a bank card for it, so hopefully will be easier not to dip in to!)
I'll be earning just under £400 a month when i get paid, and worked out if i save £250 of that a month then we'd have the money in 18months! Also any money i get from selling stuff on ebay etc i'll be putting in there too.
Anyone else trying to save up for something?! If so, let's support eachother!!
wishing you luck!
I am saving to pay off student loans. Almost done now
I moved in with my boyfriend last year and it took me until this past March to FINALLY get a job. So now we are saving to get ourselves a place. But he just recently talked about moving to Colorado. Which I'm happy about that because before he as so against moving. We just don't have the money and I think it will be a little hard to find jobs quick in a state that is 1200 miles away. But I have hope and will keep saving my money!!
Veronies it took me since last June to get a job!! So i'm happy to be earning again!!! But yeah if you're gonnamove you'll need money incase it takes as long to get a new job! :/
good luck with the wedding!!! me and my bf moved out in january, and he was laid off the DAY we signed a year lease for our appt.... so ive been working like crazy and he finally found a job! (thank GOD!!) so now we wanna save for our anniversary coming up in august, most likely a little vacation somewhere new
good luck girls! we can do it!
Good luck to you too! We're also saving for a trip to Colorado because my boyfriend wants to fly out instead of drive.
just want to save to pay off my loans, Had them for 10 years, almost paied for now
good for you michelle ! are loans worth it? im 21 and not done with college yet, just wondering
My boyfriend and I are saving up for a wedding and new baby If all goes according to plan, we'll get married next May and ttc#2 after that
well they helped me, but I swent blind in my third year of uni and had to drop out
no worries, I have my sight back(2 corrective surgies)
liz, good luck!
just wanted to say, we should come here to remind ourselfs to save
good luck to us all!! I wouldn't get a loan, i'd rather save up, but fully understand needing them when in university!
Well 1st cheque from landlord cleared so paid back the £100 we borrowed from our daughter's account, and put £200 in to our "Thailand Fund" !!!!
And Michelle i think it's a good idea to remind ourselves-and each other!!
Right now I'm saving up for three things! A sewing machine, A Tattoo gun, and an Ipad, in that order! I want to start selling jewelry and other homemade goodies, but I'm pretty bad a marketing -_-;
I'm saving up spending money for my trip to Portugal in June/July, which I was saving up for for the last 3 years. I'm really excited because I'm visiting my best friend who I haven't seen in years
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