Any mixed-race/ethnic craftsters out there?

I'm a psychology student and am trying to do a study of mixed race/ethnic people for my dissertation but am finding it hard to get participants...which is why I was hoping some of the lovely people here might be able to help! If your parents come from different ethnic backgrounds (note ethnic, not racial - so, for example, "Asian" is a racial category but Chinese, Indian and Japanese are all different ethnic categories.) I have an online survey that only takes about 15 minutes, you can find it here:
I have full ethical approval and would really really appreciate if anyone could help me out by participating! Feel a bit cheeky asking but I'm getting desperate!
Thanks so much Happy

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3 replies since 2nd January 2011 • Last reply 2nd January 2011

its cool. I will help you as I am native, english,french

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and done

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Thank you! <3

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