what did you get for xmas
my parents got me some thngs that I needed around the house, some new pots and a frying pan. New jammies
i like the sound of that!
I didnt get the computer i so desperately needed, but i got an external hard drive.
Jewellery, smellies, choccies, dvds, books, and cash
dave the funky shoulder monkey, a snuggie, a laptop, and tonnes of perfume , so when im being a socail hermit on the laptop i have a monkey to keep my company, a snuggie to become anti socail with and ill smell great !
Wahoo I got a whole great big mahusive storage unit for my sewing room, Pretty storage boxes, FABRIC , perfume, sweeties blah blah blah
Hannah make sure senior wiggles shows dave thefunky shoulder monkey the ropes
I Got Fable 3, The pea coat I have been drooling over, a candle that looks like a cupcake, supplies for my turtle and some shirts. The best gift by far was just being able to spend time with my family
I got a sewing machine, which I've been begging to have for at least 3 months now! Also got a little sewing box and a case for my sewing machine. Some dvds, set of pots and pans, sewing patterns, chocolate, 3-pack of Nutella, and some organic roll-on perfume oil.
i got my crochet starter kit, Twinkie Chan book , couple of cds, vampireology book
, Bags that rock book (by Kelley Deal from the Breeders) 2 hooded scarfs
, and me and my partner got a camera between us too
Had to make xmas dinner this year for first time....was VERY stressful!!
Well my lot had a laugh at my expense....my arms don't work too well so my daughter thought because I use my knitting needle to get those really annoying back itches she would get me a back scratcher...Lol
Got a coolpix camera too, so I've been annoying them all while I work out the best settings for different lighting....they were seeing blobs before their eyes from all the flashes....tee hee
I got a blueray player (well it's for me and my sibling), The Rocky Horror Picture show special ed. blueray, a CD, a cameo necklace and $.
my boyfriend got me a jersey of my favorite hockey player, a bathrobe (which I asked for), and this awesome tea set.
My parents got me this amazingly soft throw blanket, board games, yarn for my crocheting, money, and a new coffee maker.
I got a pair of giant knitting needles, a scraf, clothes, butter cookies, hello kitty house shoes, a gift card and ten rolls of yarn.
A blanket with sleeves, an agenda for 2011, a cookbook with strange recipes, a Nintendo DS game, a new wallet, a fridgemagnet, a horscope book, a LUSHgift (from the parents of a friend! I was completely surprised!)
But the best present was from the LUSH itself I got with buying stuff I needed. If you bought €30,- or more on LUSH products you get a LUSH x-masgift for free. The free gift I got is worth €89,95 :-D All very nice showerstuff!
awesome gifts guys
i got lots of fashion books, makeup, clothes, jewelery pliers, some cath kidston things, dvds, and money. :3
i was srsly spoilt.
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