Memory that makes your smile?

Lovely Everyone,

Out of curiosity, what is a memory that always makes you smile/laugh? A sweet recollection or story that makes your day just thinking about?

For me, its a memory from my summer trip to Japan. My friends and I were travelling via stuffed bus from Tokyo to near Mt.Fuji. I ended up sitting between two elderly Japanese men, trapped. Exausted from a day of chasing trains and exploring Tokyo, i quickly nodded off.

Two hours later, I awoke to find that a pillow had found it's way under my head. I sat up to realize my "pillow" was actually the old Japanese man's shoulder! This quiet, painfully polite Japanese man who had endured being slept and drooled upon by an american tourist! I apologized profusely, then turned in my seat to glare pointedly at my friends. They're muffled laughter rand through the quiet bus, and soon I was trying not to bust up, too.

Now I just have to think of that kindly old man and I can't help but crack up all over again. ^.^

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13 replies since 29th October 2010 • Last reply 29th October 2010

For me it's not so much a memory as it is a feeling or presence. Every time I start thinking about my horse Mavs (Maverick) or remember the way his coat feels like velvet when I wrap my arms around his neck makes me feel like the entire world melts away and that anything is going to be alright, I can literally feel my muscles un-knot from tension and my mind just grows peaceful

or I think about the first time his old owners saw him and were blown away by his progress (he was previously abused, they sold him because he was borderline dangerous)

he makes me feel like anything is possible.

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This will probably sound cliche but my favourite memory is the day my boyfriend asked me out. I had liked him for almost a year in secret. I invited him to go to a theme park with me and we were sitting on th grass talking. I was lying down looking up at him and some random dude that's studying photography asked if he could take a picture of us for his project. Right after he left, Chris asked if I wanted to be his girlfriend. It was such an awesome day

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I have so many!

First...the night I found out I was pregnant. I had been joking with my mom on April Fool's day about being pregnant (as a way to "fool" her) I had no idea I actually was. 2 nights later I took a test just to see and almost (well, actually) fell in the floor I was so surprised. My husband was working and had about 5 hours until he got off, so I paced up and down. I was totally freaking out. I wasn't sure what to think because just a month earlier my husband's friend was "joking" with him about how his girlfriend got something that rhymes with "subsmorshian". I was terrified that Josh would feel the same way as his friend.

I was so nervous when I told him. I broke down in tears and could hardly get it out. But when I told him, I swear his whole face lit up and he hugged me sooo hard. His entire body was shaking with joy/excitement. I was so relieved! Brings tears of joy to my eyes every time I think about what a good man I have. ;)

Also, I have many fond memories of my husband (while we were courting) showing up at my house, barefoot with his pants legs rolled up like Huck Finn...with a bouquet of wild flowers that he'd picked on his 3 mile walk to my house. (sometimes in the middle of winter...completely barefoot through mud puddles and everything) lol

Actually, every memory I have of him is a fond one. I truly am blessed. (OK, ya'll can throw up now.) lol

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the day for some unknown reason, me and my friend broke out in an air guitar solo to a song called... "waving my dick in the air" that she had on her ipod. on a crowded platform.

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My favorite memory Is when my oldest daughter was 13, she was eating breakfast and I was cleaning the kitchen, and she asked me
"Momma are you an angel"I told her no honey Im just your mom, she said"Your just so sweet,I know you have to be an angel"
I will never forget the look on her face, she passed away last Oct, and I think of that so much .

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I have a few..

Theres a lot of my dog (she had to be put down 6 months ago), but the best one I can remember, was one day, I was cuddling her, treating her like she was a baby, not a dog, and dad says to me 'You're gonna make a great mum one day' I dont know why, but it makes me so happy.

I have a friend, who lives a long way away (other side of the world) and I remember the first time we 'hugged'. I actually dont remember why it was... but it brought tears to me eyes.. and it has again. Gosh.. Im such a girl sometimes..

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Aww, these are great! Here are some of mine:

Any thought of my childhood pet, Tippy--she and I were together from my 7th birthday until very recently--she will always have a huge place in my heart. Happy

Another is my exchange trip to Norway in 2004--I have so many dear and true friends from that trip, not the least of whom is Shlomi. :-P
Another memory is setting up the mini Christmas tree with my mom in my nursery when I was a toddler. She had all sorts of ornaments for my tree that had been hers when she was that age, back in the 50's, plus things she and other family members had handmade specifically for my ballet-themed tree. Happy

Aww, now I miss my ballet ornaments!!!!!!!!! I used them up until I moved to Israel, which was just last year!!! I might ask her to send.... :-P

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One of my recent favorite memories that make me heart smile.

This summer was one of the best summers I have had in a very, very long time. This summer was one of the first summers I had with my friends in my life again. I battled a mental illness for the past six years of my life and with that, I pushed all my friends out of my life.

I got back in contact with them this past winter.

One of them being somebody who I was very close with when we worked together at a summer camp in 2004. Though, we met at the same camp when we were 10 just got to know each other better when we both worked there.

So I spent a week in his town at this families house we stayed at, I was helping him with a VBS (vacation bible school) at a church in the middle of nowhere.

One day his car broke down.. in the middle of nowhere so we had to get it to a friends house to work on it. While there, we hi-jacked the friends four wheeler.

Now! Let me tell you! I've never been on a fourwheeler.. nor would I ever imagine myself riding on one through a very bumpy trail in the woods.

Well, I did it! I went four wheeling with my friend!

I walked the trail beforehand and there was a part of the trail that was washed away and a giant puddle took it's place. Friend knew this as well and I thought he was going through it very slowly so it wouldn't splash everywhere.

WRONG! so, so, so, so, soooooooooooo WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!

He asked me if I was holding on, I was wrapped as tight as I could around his waist as is, so I replied with a resounding giggle.

He floored it through the puddle! MUD went EVERYWHERE!

It was so much fun, then we did it again on the way back through! it was soooooooooooooo AWESOME!

I have never felt more alive, it was amazing!

This turned into a book haha, sorry!

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I remember my first "Date" with my boyfriend. It was October and it had just rained and I remember getting ready and listening to The Cranberries and when he pulled up I just happened to look out my window and he was standing in the middle of my otherwise empty driveway in a black trench coat looking up at me. The pavement was wet and it was dark and he just looked very 'Angel' like in his wool trench coat.

I remember once we were driving and it had snowed and the roads were icy and we were about to get onto the interstate but he stopped and checked my seatbelt to make sure it was tight before we went on.

Once I was having a bad day for no reason and he brought me a dozen cookies from my favorite cookie shop and a rose to make me feel better.

I remember the last time I saw my friend Matt before he passed away. It's one of those bitter-sweet memories but it was a great night even though he was so sick and had to have been in a lot of pain.

I remember the first time I kissed my boyfriend and thinking my God that is the best kiss ever.

I guess you can say all my really happy moments have been with Josh. I never realized how unhappy I was before him until people started commenting on it. People I went to high school with would find me on facebook and myspace and send me messages saying "wow, I've never seen you smile before" or "you look really happy" things like that. I still get those messages which I find really funny.

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Getting the "wrong Steve" and still being together 20yrs later

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In high school my friend Laura had an old Camero and she would drive us around a lot. We used to race home the guys who lived across the street from me, after football games or whatnot. They never beat us!

During a musical production, my dance partner was late because he was helping do something backstage. I was starting to panic, because the music was starting up, and I couldn't find him. I happened to see Chris, who looked just as panicked as me... and without having to say anything, he slid up to where my partner usually stood just as the curtains were opening. We'd never practiced together and nobody but us knew that our partners had missed the dance number.

My friend Dan got me a black WWJD bracelet for Christmas one year. This may seem lame until you understand that I had a bracelet, in a color I didn't like, and therefore never wore it. My sister had one in black, and I wasn't "allowed" to have the same something as my sister (sis/mom's rule, not mine). My sister also hardly ever wore hers. So, Dan got me a black one and said "Screw your sister, she never wears it anyways!" It meant a lot because my boyfriend at the time got me an awful gift because he never really listened to me.

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The last time I looked in the mirror.

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Watching my friend Ruthie dance in our jazz class.

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