Smoking ...=|

33 replies since 18th October 2010 • Last reply 18th October 2010

Thanks Kitty for sharing your quitting experience.
I'm still smoking a little. I've cut down and asked my GP for help. He's just signed me off work for 3 weeks as I'm suffering with pain, insomnia and stress brought about by CRPS. I've been managing since March but full time hours have caught up with me now.
I'm still determined to quit for my health and pocket Happy
Good luck with your smoke free life Kellbear x

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My boyfriend's mom has been trying to quit, but she doesn't really really want to quit. She's been taking Chantix and I have to admit I have seen her smoking a lot less then she had before, but she thinks the medicine is just gonna make her quit. So, obviously she is still having trouble quitting. She never will quit unless she wants to.
Anyways, good luck! I think you can do it as long as you have the willpower and support you need.

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well i can proudly say i haven't smoked since, been getting massive urges to but haven't so with the money i would have spent on ciggies i went up west London and bought some oober cute things hehe .

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I'm sorry to be negative but Abbyka - that first post of yours is absolutely ridiculous. Do you realize the carcinogenic properties of car fumes are a far more serious threat to your long-term health than walking through an occasional cloud of second-hand smoke?

Here's something you should consider - smokers don't feel sympathetic to non-smokers who make a big deal about it. When I'm outside smoking, I make my best effort to blow the smoke away from others, or to leave areas that have a lot of foot traffic. But when somebody walks by me and makes a big deal about the smoke or does a fake-cough, it makes me want to blow it right in their faces.

It's an addiction. If you've never had one, you can't begin to understand. It's like being thirsty all the time and never getting a drink - only worse because you don't know what to do with your hands or your time. You have anxiety attacks when others start smoking around you because you're dying for it.

Let's not pretend it's just something people choose to do to upset you, please.

That being said, I wish kellbear the best of luck.

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