Happy Birthday Grandma!

OK so it's my Grandma's birthday today. It's also my birthday. Which is really why I'm posting I guess.

I don't normally because usually I hate my birthday but I seem to be in an explicably good mood this morning. I've been singing power ballads in the shower and tidying my room whilst listening to Big Bands and I'm soon out to buy my first legal bottle of wine. How I feel about my legalised love for Vino is probably how gay people felt when civil partnerships were introduced.

I usually hate my birthday because I get really sad that my Grandma isn't around anymore to celebrate it together. But after about ten years I've finally adressed this issue and have been making a quilt for my Grandma recently and it's the most therapeutic thing I've ever done and I really recommend that you guys craft things about things that you might be having issues with. I'll post my quilt when I'm done.

For now here's a picture of the birthday girl in the Queen's Jubilee, 1977. She took part in the decorated cycles parade.

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8 replies since 1st February 2008 • Last reply 1st February 2008

aww Happy Birthday to you Happy And your quilt for your grandma is a great way to remember her and celebrate her life Happy
Hope your day continues to be great and enjoy your vino lol

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aaaw ace happy birthday...

(I'll probably just get tattooed when people/the dog go)

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Aww, Happy Birthday to you both!

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Well Happy Birthday.

That quilt idea is interesting...so do tell!

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I finally finished the quilt! It took me aaaaaages. Remind me never to ever do that much hand stitching again.

It's all based on stories, and has screen printing, transfer printing, and embroidery. The images are of my grandma/my grandma and I/my sister and I (after Grandma died)

"We're reversing in a car in Minster Road. You're in the passenger seat, me in back right. You're turning back, looking at me. Strawberry blonde hair, back in a bun with a scarf. You're so real I can almost smell you. Your skin is forming in its delicate powdered wrinkles into a smile. And you're looking at me. Just me. I feel loved. And I love you too. And I know everything will be ok. Even though you've died, and even though I miss you more than I've ever missed anyone, everything will be ok. And I am very happy."

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Very, Very nice and such a cool idea!! I love it! Oh, and I hope you have a wonderful birthday!!

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OMG!! maybe i can get rid of my sadness of a friends death that i still haven't been able to forget by making a quilt and having her other friends make a part of it.

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That is beautiful Roma, a great way to honour your grandmother Happy

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