
I just started a new diet last week-ish and it's going really well so far, I feel motivated and I feel like this time I'm really gonna stick with it! It's not really a diet per se but I am counting calories and exercising every day...hopefully I'll have lost some weight by the time school starts!

Does anyone else have weight loss/dieting goals for the new school year?

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24 replies since 20th July 2010 • Last reply 20th July 2010

Wishing you the best of Luck Courtney! I think just watching your calories and drinking water is the the best way to loose weight!
I lost 20 kilos in about 8 months awhile ago just by watching my calories and trying to be more active! I also discovered Pilates is a great way to firm up after doing it for a month for the first time in my life I actually had a flat stomach!
Its winter here in Australia and lately I have been a bit slack with it and I've started to put a few kilos back on Happy
I'm glad i read your post this will inspire me to get back into it! I'd like to loose what I've put back on before summer is here!

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Yes, the same is happening to me! I can just stay on point this time, randomly. I think it's because I have a larger goal in mind, which necessitates the workouts. ;)

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It IS rather hard, however, to stay on a diet when, every time I sign in here, I see peanut butter whoopie pies. x.x

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Haha yeah I agree.

I'm using this app to track my calories and basically I can eat anything I want as long as I work out enough...the only problem is motivating myself to work out haha. I might start jogging soon and force myself to get better at running, actually...

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Jogging is enjoyable and easier than flat-out running; at least for me. Also, dance is my way of exercising. When you dance it doesn't feel like a workout, it feels like fun.
I'm trying to exercise and lose some weight, too. Its nice to know i'm not alone...

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Yeah, I'm not really good at running and for some reason I don't count walking as a "workout" for some reason, so jogging I'm hoping will be a happy medium for me.

Haha nope you're not alone! I'm hoping to lose 7 - 10 pounds by the time school starts again, and maybe another 10 over the school year...

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m trying to lose a few pounds aswell (welll, more than a few pounds) and have found a really awesome free site called myfitnesspal. You just put in what food you have eaten and it calculates everything for ya, Ive lost 21lbs so far just on that =D

Good luck. Hoping you reach your goal.

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Thanks Happy

I just came back from my run and holy god I am never ever EVER EVER doing that again. I feel naseous and horrible. It's biking from now on for me!

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Ouch. Doesn't sound peachy. Hope you feel better!
I'm trying this idea where I make it a personal rule not to eat unless someone else is in the room. I just began, so we'll see how things turn out. ^.^

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I would suck at that one!

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Ha, yeah, me too! I just count calories and work out. I started about 6 days ago and I already lost a pound! Either 6 or 16 more to go...

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Good for you. Things are pretty sunny over here, too.

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This is funny. (not you, me) I tried the whole "exercise" thing. I dropped $50 bucks on a P90X workout video package and did it for a week. I felt WONDERFUL! I could even tell a difference in just the first week.


I skipped a day (as per directions) and haven't picked it up since. I have Zero willpower. Plus, it's too hot. As for dieting? I refuse. I'd die without pizza. Like, seriously.

Good luck. I don't think anyone is as lazy as me, so you should do fine. ;)

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Working on the fields is my work out now. Happy Plus Im getting an awesome tan!

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