Pets-even if u don't have one

178 replies since 2nd December 2007 • Last reply 2nd December 2007

Hennie- that's so sad about Alfie, my cat got run over a couple of years ago but he survived, he just has to now have medicine everyday and his jaw looks funny.

Cat and Tom- defininately get a cat, rabbits are really hard work if you look after them properly and can destory lots of things. Mine have chewed:
- walls
-plants (even fake ones!),
-our flyscreen on the back door(we now have to get a new one which will cost $800 and can't leave it open when it's hot)
-our tv (well they chewed the wires , completetly so we now have to get a new tv)

I do ♥ my bunnies though but do not get one if you're really busy, you need a lot of time for them.

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Brandi B - I just can't touch bugs! A spider landed on me when I was drawing in Italy, there was a clan of suicidal spiders jumping off this building and landing on us it was like a centimetre in size but I freaked out sooo much! And I'm a vegetarian! I mean ok I'll feel the dog but at least its not moving or still alive!!!

Shivi - thaaanks she says woof! She's had no one to play with properly for a week because my mum isn't as rough as I am with her lol
and I want a rabbit Happy I would love a hello kitty/miffy, I'd take her to college!

Ms. Rhoda Morgenstern is lovely!

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ha! i beat you all! i have a cat and a tarantula! Happy

i post pics l8tr

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Do you know what I really want?! A pet hedgehog, I saw someone who had one and it was so so so so so cute. Has anyone here ever had one?

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no but I know a canadian and over there they have them as pets a lot because they're British wildlife...I told her I had seen some in real life she thought I meant a gopher, they're native to north america!

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What lovely pets you all have,my 15 year old son Nathan has the pets,here they are.


He also has a hamster called Hammy and a guinea pig called Troy and a tank of tropical fish and frogs.

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oh Blaze is so fluffy! Is he a rabbit? Lovely colours

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Yes he is a rabbit he is a lionhead.

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He is gorgeous Happy

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He makes me sneeze.

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Cat Morley - I've never had a hedgehog, but a friend of mine had two. They're actually really lovely pets!

As for my pets, I have four lady ratties. (listed in order of appearence in my life) Fattie McFatfat is about a year and a half, she's just a standard rattie - white with a brownish-red hood. My babies are dumbos, about 14 weeks old. One is Sadie Mae Glutz and she's white with pretty dove-grey markings, and Lizzie Borden was originally dove-grey but has changed to this lovely gingery color. They're sisters and they love to box eachother and tumble all over the place - crazies. Skinny is a standard white with a black hood, probably about 10 months old. She looks almost identical to Fattie, only a different color and she was skin and bones when I got her, and all chewed up by two very mean boys. She's plumped up, but is nowhere near as chunky as Fattie is. At first, I though she was preggers since females go into heat every 4-5 days, and the person who rescued her from certain death told me she'd been in very close quarters with two boys for at least THREE days! Eep! But, she's not- she had a very noticable heat a week ago. My boyperson has a lovely, but sometimes very grumpy, Miniature American Eskimo named Nellie who is about thirteen years old, but acts like a psycho puppy.
On to the pictures!


Sadie Mae


Skinny is a little camera-shy.

This isn't a picture of Nellie, but she looks alot like this. I used to be a dog and cat groomer, so I've seen A LOT of dogs in my lifetime, and I've never met another dog (not even of her breed) that has a face as sweet as Nellie's. She's also a lot bigger than your average miniature eskimo. They're usually the size of a Jack Russel, but Nellie is more the size of a really small Lab, if that makes sense.

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My kitty, Dusty

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I have a cat, her name is Kitty Carlisle.

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We have TEN animals! 2 horses, 4 dogs, 3 cats and a lizard. Two of my dogs are buster and boo, buster is a big mutt and boo is a petite peekapoo, she is my baby. I'm going to try to upload pics here.
Anyway, this is why my new etsy shop is called buster and boo - let me see if I can get pics to upload....

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That is one sweet fluffy kitty! Jessamyn

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