The bit by bit story

Cat has done one a while back so i decided to start a new one. Each person adds a little bit more of the story.

Here goes- Crafterella was working in her study with a dim lamp finishing off her latest project, a playing card bracelet, when suddenly.......

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12 replies since 29th November 2007 • Last reply 29th November 2007

the jack said 'ouch! tell the joker to stop poking me!'

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"What did you just say?" said a shocked Crafterella

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.. she looked down and to her surprise, the jack and the joker were having a fight. She pulled the two beads (the jack bead and the joker bead) apart and said..

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"um....hi?.....and stop fighting you're spilling everything and itll take forever to clean up!" the jack and the joker looked up and stopped fighting

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.. and then the oven timer rang and Crafterella rushed off to the kitchen to take her freshly baked ..

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muffins out. But the beads smelt the muffin and hungered for it. She turned around to find..

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the jack and joker beads rushing towards the oven. In mid-jump, Crafterella caught them and...

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simmered them gently for 5 minutes, stirring frequently. She folded in a half-ounce of butter, three tablespoons of sugar, and...

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(wow im everywhere here [this isnt in the story])[this next sentence is] VOILA! HER ROYAL TURNOVER WAS FINISHED! She called her friends to come over and try it, and....

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they all started to turn a funny shade of....

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PURPLE!! (yay purple :]]) "whats happening?!" crafterella exclaimed

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Next their cheeks began to swell like chipmunks

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