heeelp... 15-year-old needs job ideas

im 15, i want a job, still at school (last year of GCSEs) and need ideas. please help me get some ideas of where to go or what to do to make money... im in England. heeeelp! Happy xxx

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13 replies since 2nd November 2009 • Last reply 2nd November 2009

is there a job center? and are there age limits? In Canada you must be 16 to work in stores..

I suggest going to local shops to ask if they are hiring, or fast food places, for weekend work.

or maybe babysitting?

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I did alot of babysitting at that age, that was my only source of income at the time since I didnt have a drivers liscense yet. Best bet is to try grocery stores, fast food places or movie theaters to find an after school job or/and weekends. Good luck.

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hey thanks for the advice... how do you go about approaching people to babysit for their kids though?? how did you get started? age limits everywhere are 16 (which i wont be for another 9 months)
Happy so am not sure really. guess i will have to give it a go Happy xx

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umm ask your parents or neighbours, I wouldn't go too far out of your neighbourhood, you don't know what creeps r out there.

how about asking teachers in your school? maybe they have kids...do you have a first aid course? most people like the idea of their sitter knowing what to do in an emergency situation.

ooh just looked at your profile projects, how about selling some jewelry at flea markets?

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winter is coming up.. you could go to your neighbours and shovel snow, rake leaves, mow lawn..etc.good exercize too and you will have a beautiful neighbourhood all thanks to you Happy
maybe print off a few info sheets of things your able to do.. babysitting, shoveling.. etc and how much you charge for each job and put your phone number on it too.. then slip them in your neighbours mail boxes and they can call you when they need you.
Also, when I was 12 I was able to get a job delivering flyers.

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here in Scotland in my area, some people your age make extra money from a dog walking service...they charge £5 an hour...
ideal of you're a dog lover!

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or deliver newspapers

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I'm in England too and have noticed several of the high street shops are looking for seasonal staff. You might be able to pick up some Saturday work for the Christmas period. Selling stuff you've made is also a good idea. Also you could look into Avon as their stuff is pretty popular and if you build up a bit of a round you can make a bit of money. Its not big money but a few of my friends who have kids have done it and have said its nice and flexible and a good way to build confidence. I wouldn't go door to door though, I'd probably start with school friends, friends of the family and neighbours who you know. Like Michelle said you don't want find out you've got a dodgy neighbour the hard way :/. Good luck though.

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There are always Christmas fairs coming up at primary schools and church halls at this time of year, and you would be able to sell your bracelets etc. there.
tables usually cost £10 at the most, and you can easily take in about £100.
Contact your local schools' PTA's now, and also any church guilds etc. as these fairs are usually getting organised within the next few weeks

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wow!! thanks for all your advice everyone. so many ideas to try! Happy think i will try to design a flier, and look into a table at a fair somewhere...i will friend you all for your help if i havent already done so! Happy (plus thanks for the compliments about my projects... nice to know people like the random bits of jewellery i do!) xxx

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I know it's difficult at 15 to get a job - I only turned 16 in August so I knwo how fristratin git can be. UNfrotunately there really isn't a lot you can do until your 16 unless your lucky and a friend opens a shop or something and you can work saturdasy at something. Try hairdressers encase they need a saturday girl to sweep hair or something, babysitting is always an option but you might be restricted to friends anf amily as parents dont liek the idea of giving their children away to compelte strangers. Paper rounds are always an option, and check the weekly papers for any vacancies, though I can't promise many will accept you cause they can't usually emply unless you've actually finished yoru GCSE's =S Try an etsy shop, a lot of crafters on here have one, or even car boots sales or flea markets, a little extra money!

Sorry im not much help, but dont wish your life away! 16 will coem soon e nough!! xx

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well good luck

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hey thanks for the advice again so nice of you to post so much help!! thankyooou Tongue xxx

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