Wedding Dress

I just bought my wedding dress and had to share it with someone...I'm sooooooo excited and can't wait to try it on...

Wanna know the best thing about it??? It only cost me $41.60 Aud (that's about $45 usd)

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12 replies since 18th October 2009 • Last reply 18th October 2009

what a beautiful dress! and you got a pretty good deal for it. whens the wedding?

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Wow! looks like an olympus goddess would wear one of those.. good find and congrats!

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Thanks Happy

The wedding isn't until Sep 2010 but when I saw the price of the dress I had to get it.
I'll be crafting everying for the wedding, BM dresses, Cake, Invites, Bouquets, Decorations etc.

So when I've done some crafting I'll post pics and how to's in the projects section Happy

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dont forget! :p me and my boyfriend plan on gettin married one of these years haha we already have two kids together so were in no hurry

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That's how we were babydrea lol...Mike and I have been together for 11yrs now, we didn't want to rush into things haha. It was our 6yo son Malik who pressured us into getting married Happy

I think that's why I'm taking more of a practical approach to the wedding instead of trying to create some fairytale wedding.

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lol aw thats cute.. am i invited? lol jp

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oh wow, very nice

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Wow beautiful dress Happy

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What a beautiful dress - and what a bargin... remind me to come shopping with you next time I'm in America Tongue

Congratulations on getting married by the way... it might be Sept 2010, but it's best to be prepared... also if you let that dress go, you may never find one that nice or for that price and regret it - so GO YOU!!

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I know, we want to see pics of your wedding day

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Oh yeah of course we want to see pics of you on your special day Happy

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Oooww, so gorgeous!!

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