
63 replies since 22nd January 2009 • Last reply 22nd January 2009

good girls are only bad girls that don't get caught Tongue

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When I was little I showed my sister a good place to hide her money. A year later I looked and it was still there so I took it and bought candy. I told her about it a couple of years ago. She was like hey! I still knew that was there I was saving it!

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i have slept with 5 of my male friends girlfriends........

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"good girls are only bad girls that don't get caught Tongue"
yeppers Tongue

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then i am a VERY good girl hahaha!!!!.............

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lol...good one court.

But sometimes bad is better?

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Nice Goose. I bet your male friends would love to know that. tehehehe.

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I threw away one of my classmates assignments when I saw it sitting on my teachers desk. I don't like the girl very much, so I crumbled it up when nobody was looking and tossed it in the can.

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haha nice darlink chelsea and goose!

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i told this one girl i dont like very much that she looked the same with ot without makeup so she wouldnt put it on.
she does look better with makeup

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It actually started so that I could prove that one of my friends girlfriends was no worked so well I did it 4 more friends are better off...

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so I guess you're doing them a favor...ish

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yep definatly a favour! (kinda) XD

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I cut up and re-styled a top my mum bought me for xmas.
I thought it looked looads better... but I just showed my mum and she looked upset that I'd changed it =( *sad face*

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I do that all the time, it doesn't phase my mom anymore haha

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