Things that ticked you off royally today

181 replies since 6th January 2009 • Last reply 6th January 2009

ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. well I work in home care, and I clean peoples pee n stuff, but they need to do that. But even they don't stick their gum on stuff

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ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. well I work in home care, and I clean peoples pee n stuff, but they need to do that. But even they don't stick their gum on stuff

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Well, my alarm went off at 5:30 which is never nice, then I had media which was boring and stressful, then I went to Tim's to do work but his friend came over who I don't like so I had to deal with him, then they were mean to me which Tim and most of his friends normally are as a joke but I don't really know Dave so I wasn't comfortable with it. Then I have English which is NEVER fun. And tonight I have to go with Tim to look after his friend's autistic kid which I'm normally fine with but today I'm NOT up to it, I just want to curl up with Tim. Also, this means sex is out of the question for me tonight. And I have a three hour English mock tomorrow. I'm telling you, if I don't get this Amanda Palmer book I'm trying to order I'm going to cry. Again.

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urgh we never get privacy anymore, it's very inconvinient!

yeh so my old mascara is getting a but clumpy so I decided to use one I bought for cheap and that was all clumpy so I have to use a mini one I got free and THAT is all clumpy and I can't buy new mascara till thursday Happy I'm not going out till thursday so I spose I'll live. And also knitting patterns pissed me off.

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I hate how little self confidence I have. And when so-called friends take the piss out of me it just makes it a whole lot worse and makes me wonder why I bother having friends in the first place. Ugh.

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hey, you are awesome. who needs friends like that

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(not today, but yesterday...)
I had a fitness test for Honduras yesterday, so they could see roughly how fit we are so they can alter the things we do while we're out there (it's very, very hilly, and trekking will be involved). Last week when I was on holiday with Chris we were out on a walk, and we walked up a huge hill and I got quite upset because I got out of breath fairly quickly, and if I'm like that now what's it going to be like in Honduras. And yesterday at the fitness test we had to do the bleep test (evil, EVIL thing!) and I only got up to level 5.1 and all the other girls got to level 7. I have pretty much zero self confidence anyway, and this just helped to knock my confidence even further. I just feel fat and slow and ugly and blehhh now Happy

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aww sweetie, you can do it. Take your time, breath deeply and you can conqure those hills

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Thanks Michelle Happy
I really need to make a big effort now to get fit before I leave, I've got 3 months so I think that's achieveable.

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aww Izzy thats okay

I've only worked out 20 minutes this week and formal is next friday!!
i want to get rollerblades and a scale but my mom is afraid im going to get obsessed with the numbers :/

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a job application form...yes I actually found somewhere that had an opening but I don't know why I want to work for the arcadia group apart from I want a frikkin job????

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Okay it was technically last night, but me and Tim had this big argument last night at the party we went to. His oldest friend treated him like crap for years, ignored him and everything, but now his girlfriend's broken up with him he's hanging round Tim again. I don't much like him because he's stupid and sexist and racist, and when they're together they just take the piss out of me, but I promised Tim I'd try. But last night we were all at this party, and I was getting on really well with Dave - until he started groping me and trying to kiss me. It's not only pathetic in terms of a rebound, it's sexist because he obviously just thinks that I'm a woman, therefore I'll do whatever he wants, and it's horrible because it shows how little he cares about Tim - you DON'T try to get off with your friend's girlfriend! Then he and Tim started making jokes about Tim not sleeping with me, so obviously I got upset and left the room. I told one person what happened and she went upstairs to tell Tim to come talk to me, and instead he stormed off and tried to go home, leaving me there with Dave. We've made up now, and we ourselves are fine, but obviously I don't want to be anywhere near Dave! And when I said that to Tim he said that we might just have to see each other less. How is that meant to make me feel? So now I'm terrified that Dave's actually going to be a problem in our relationship - and if it's still like this nearing September, I'm gonna be going away to university, leaving Tim to his stressful university experience, with a strain already on our relationship! But there's nothing I can do because Tim won't stop seeing Dave for me, and he keeps saying that we'll just come over at different times but that's already not happening because when I'm working FOR Tim so he can go watch football with Dave, Dave's coming back after! I just can't stand the fact that this might be a real problem for us.

And now Tim's obviously annoyed with me and keeps refusing to talk about it, just keeps saying "There isn't any problem" when there clearly is. I'm just worried that when he saw Dave last night, Dave told him a ton of stuff about how stupid and crazy women are. I wish he would talk to me about this...

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I got my sceduals mixed up and went to work a hour early

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we have TAKS test wed and fri

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I've been a total lazy bum knee hurts and I have been driking coke and eating junk....blah

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