Things that ticked you off royally today

181 replies since 6th January 2009 • Last reply 6th January 2009

laundry is a never fecking ending job in our house!
4yr old boy = mud/food/grass stain magnet
14yr old girl = unbelievable ammount of washing!
grown man = "where are all my socks" or " i've only got one pair of boxers"

me = same clothes til they're covered in baby snot/mud{from dog walking} or they have lost all shape from constant wear!

my own fault really as i have to do the washing myself {they'll do it wrong!!!} control freak.

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myself, caus I was mean to my bf

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vintage, that sucks! i do my own laundry (im 13), and its really tedious sometimes.

aww michelle its ok

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Happy thanks sweetie

but I am sick and can not sleep

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I hate how I am feeling lazy, I want to go out, but inside is nice too. hmmmm

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couldn't sleep well

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sigh, I can't wear my fave pants cause my knee is hurting and I need to wear my brace

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you need a cup of tea and a cake chick!

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I think most my body weight is now brownie filled

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My dog Buck (the one that stayed with my parents) will be put to sleep in one hour. He's in lots of pain from heavy arthrosis. I'm glad I still have Guus.

I'm sad though.

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Happy oh no marieke! thats so sad, i know its best so he isnt suffering but it's still sad. Did you see him before he had to go to the vets?

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I didn't see him anymore, I felt it was too difficult. Both my parents took him and they stayed with him till it was over. Luckily I till have Guus. He's been really sweet today.

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oh no! Happy did you get to see him before he left?

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When 2 girls at the beach today sat really close to me and bf. They started rubbing sun lotion onto eachother and smiling at my bf. They were adjusting their bikini tops over and over & bending really slowly over to get drinks in my bfs direction. Omg what is wrong with girls like this? Can't they see he is TAKEN. grr!!! lol. sorry xD
This is why I have a boyfriend and they don't.

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Eurgh I hate girls like that. I was out with Tim and a big group of friends one time, and we were all very drunk and it was very late at night, and this girl came up to Tim and started REALLY blatantly flirting with me right next to him! I was completely shocked, I couldn't believe she'd do that while I was right next to him so I just grabbed his hand and insisted that we leave. Tim was really pleased that I was jealous; I just couldn't believe how whoreish she was being.

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