Pink fleece

I recently inherited about a yard of pink fleece with piggies on it. I wish more than anything I had a picture of it to post. But alas it's not with me right now.

My only problem is I don't know what to do with it. It's bright pink, like barbie pink so that automatically means I'm not going to wear it. Don't believe me? Check out my projects, I don't do pink. But I'm in love with this fabric and I need something to do with it...So does anyone have any ideas...

I've been racking my brain randomly trying to come up with something, the only think I can think of is a hoodie lining (I think the pink is well hidden enough for me to pull it off.) but I'm not sure if I have enough for that. The only other thing I've thought of is a purse lining. But I don't really like putting fleece on the inside of purses, because after a while it gets gross, and personally I think it's to stretchy to serve its purpose there.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. I've found this site is the best source of idea people out there.

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7 replies since 29th January 2012 • Last reply 29th January 2012

How about pjama pants lining- only you will know it there Happy

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I don't really wear pajama pants as much as I wear ginormous sweatpants. Almost all the time, either that or tiny shorts...I know I dress strangely.

Although a great and appreciated answer I don't think that I would ever get to put them to use.

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a cushion?
do you want to have it for yourself or a friend?
a hat lining?
handwarmer lining? like one of those things that used to be made of fur, they are like a tube and you stick both your hands in them.

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You know what I was thinking the other night. I'm constantly dragging my comforter back and forth from my house to my boyfriends house, I carry it in a plastic bag and it's ripping really badly I should try and make like a sleeping bag kind of case with a handle for it. But I don't even know how to go about it...does anyone have any ideas, and do you think a yard would be enough?

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What is a comforter and how big is it?

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Comforter is just a big huge puffy bedspread. Mine is all warm and soft and snuggly.

Mine is made to fit a king size bead (even though I'm rockin' a double, wait I mean that in a non-sexual way) It's huge, I wish I new the actual dimensions though. It's huge and actually kinda heavy once it all folded up, I have to use a seriously oversized plastic bag from rebook. Cause I guess when you buy two pairs of shoes they give you a bag big enough for 5 pairs it seems.

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well i think it would depend on how small you can get the comforter. try making it as small as possible, tying it with string to keep it small and make it a bit smaller, then try wrapping the fabric around it to see if it fits.
you could always do one side of a carry case with the fabric, and one side with another, maybe the base a 3rd fabric.

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