sewing machine:D

i have a new sewing machine but i don't really know how to use itU_U well can you explain me it's kind of mmmm and know what???!!!
thank you^-^

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4 replies since 1st June 2010 • Last reply 1st June 2010

The best thing I can tell you to do is to go on You tube. That helps sooo much. And find easy sewing projects, like tote bags and aprons.

Oh and the first thing you want to master, is threading it right!

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ok thank you^-^ the only thing that i don't get is how to put the theath that is aside the needleHappy

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Check in your manual if your needle has the hole facing to front or side. If it's front thread from front to back. If it's sideways thread from left to right. It's best to place your thread ends between the foot towards the back before begining to sew so they don't get tangled Happy

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I'm not sure how to explain threading it, so you'll have to look on youtube for a tutorial for that. Anyway, I know a lot about everything else. You know how there's a peddle that's connected to the machine? You put your foot on it to make the needle go.
But first you put what you want to sew underneath the needle. You probably know to do this, but I'm not sure, so make sure you sew on the edges of the fabric (well, it depends what your making, but on most projects, you should do this.) When your ready to start sewing, pull the lever that's behind where the needle is down so that the foot clamps down on the fabric, put your foot down on the peddle, and your basically ready! Sorry, that wasn't a very detailed descritption, so you should probably also look at youtube tutorials.

~ Trying to be helpful but probably being foggy in explanation, Gilly E.

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