Book Binding Question!!! ;)

Hi! I stumbled on this site earlier (and so glad I did!) and saw the book binding idea... Could someone tell me if this could work on scrapbooks? Or is there an idea out there that someone could give me? I am a preschool teacher and I have been scrapbooking all year for my students' parents...I am trying to find a way to make an album instead of having to buy 10 of them!!! I am using 12 x 12 cardstock.... Thanks for your help!!!!

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1 reply since 28th April 2008 • Last reply 28th April 2008

yeh all you have to do is stick all the stuff onto the paper you put in the books. Measure exactly in the middle of the card and make the spine etc like in Cat's how to. There are others where they just fold up: <a href="">Here</a>

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