My Needles Feel Awkward?
I just bought my new set of bamboo circular needles and I'm super excited. So I find a pattern I like, bust out with the yarn, cast on; but when I start to knit, the yarn just sits there. No where near as much slide as my metal needles (not that I expected that much gliding). Also they just feel weird in my hands.
Is there any way to "distress" my bamboo needles so that the yarn moves a little more freely and they don't feel so odd?
Maybe you were knitting wrong ...or something..check out cat Morley's knitting basics and try it maybe it will work then
The problem with bamboo needles is that if you are using a fluffyish yarn the yarn will sort of 'stick' to the needles. If you use a lot of natural wool yarns (that still contain a lot of the natural lanolin) then that will start to polish up the needles and make the yarns glide cross the needles. Also, I have heard that you can use bees wax to polish the needles. Hope that helps
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