Resin how to??

For already two weeks i'm searching how to make this:

I found out it was made with resin.
And I found 1 good tutorial, but if i put the resin in a mold
and let it try up, when should I stick an eye pin into it? Because
if I do that IN the mold it ist straight. And making an hole in it ain't
a option does someone know???

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2 replies since 4th October 2009 • Last reply 4th October 2009

I never use eye pins when I use resin (I use bails that you glue on the backs). I just aways assumed that the eye pins were put in a drilled hole after the resin had cured.

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Definitely either use a bail that you glue onto the back, or from the image, it looks like after the resin was cured, they just drilled a small hole and screwed in a tiny eye hook. That is the typical way to do it.

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