New bunny help

I got a bunny yesterday (who I named Frodo) and he seems to be much more scared and jumpy than my previous rabbits. What can I do to help him relax and trust me?

I've been keeping him on my lap or on my bed most of the time so he can get used to me but he's having problems warming up to me. All my previous rabbits relaxed much faster.

Just a bit of info about him, since it's interesting to me:
His mother is a purebred Netherland Dwarf and his father is mostly Netherland Dwarf (his grandfather is a purebred Jersey Wooly but the rest of his family are Netherland dwarfs). Frodo is one of 4 bunnies from the litter of boys. His 3 brothers are a perfect image of their mother: Himalayan Netherland Dwarfs, but Frodo is a greyish Jersey Wooly, showing no signs of even being related to a Netherland Dwarf. I originally wanted a Himalayan Netherland Dwarf but when I saw him I immediately fell in love.

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2 replies since 27th November 2012 • Last reply 27th November 2012

I had some problems getting my two guinea pigs to settle in. Obviously, don't constantly try to grab him or chase him around. This will just make him more nervous. Instead, offer him some treats, and let him smell your hand so he becomes more used to you. After this, try slowly reaching out and petting him. (My guinea pigs prefer it when I pet them with the back of my hand. I think it makes them less afraid that they're going to be picked up.)
Also make sure that he seems comfortable. Keep him away from loud noises like the TV and music. If you have to pick him up, make sure you're holding him carefully so that he doesn't get hurt.
Obviously, this isn't going to just happen overnight. Some animals have different personalities than others, and maybe Frodo is just a less social rabbit. Just give him a little bit of time and see what happens. My guinea pigs took a whole week to get used to my house before they would let people touch them, and they still don't like being picked up. If Frodo just happens to be a less social rabbit, don't get discouraged. Keep him happy and he'll become more familiar with you eventually. (Sorry if I'm not much of a help. I've never owned a rabbit, only guinea pigs.)

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My rabbit is sweet as can be, and loves everyone for some reason. The only thing I ever did was literally take her for walks. She has a harness and a leash that slip over her head and clip around the waist, and she likes to hop around outside and eat grass. I do have two outside cats that would love to eat her, so I usually take her to a public place, like a park. Other than that, in the home we have a 'fence' around her cage that allows her to hop around inside even when I can't take her outside.

As a side note, your bunny is adorable! Mine is all white with blue eyes, so she's not nearly as cute as yours! Best of luck to you and your new pet!

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