Seed Beads??

I dont know why, but for the Holidays I asked for seed beads. Now I have tons, and I want to know what I can do with them BESIDES making a bracelet or two.

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3 replies since 4th August 2011 • Last reply 4th August 2011

You can do loads of bead weaving techiniques ranging from peyote and brick stitch to more complicated ones, just look online for the patterns.

Also great for embroidering especially onto felt to make brooches and pendants

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You can do loads of bead weaving techiniques ranging from peyote and brick stitch to more complicated ones, just look online for the patterns.

Also great for embroidering especially onto felt to make brooches and pendants

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A nyan cat bag if you have pink ones. melt them inside a cup to create a cup shaped pot

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