the benefits of honey
bam! Honey, it tastes good and its great for your body and appearance!!! Create soft skin, soften brittle hair...
what do you think? are you a fan?
I like honey in my tea
it's also good with hot lemon tea to sooth a sore throat
and on top of rice krispies cereal.. mmmm
I have a lot of family from a little town called Falher (northern Alberta) I'ts the honey capital of Canada. I went to their honey festival one year and this man had a beard of bees.. it was amazing!
my aunt lives about 2 min walk from the bee hahah
omg awesome
I love honey. Its apparently a good antiseptic and good for sore throats. Its also meant to be brilliant for dry skin problems and great as a natural sweetener in foods. I use it in flapjacks that I make as a replacement for syrup.
I am using it on my dry skin, it really does help
Do you just rub it on like lotion?
Michelle - did you see that I recomended honey on your thread on the fashion & beauty bit about dry skin. Even if you spotted it somewhere else its really cool that it works.
I loooove honey.
I use it in place of plain sugar in my baked goods (3/4 cup honey for every 1 cup of sugar, and decrease liquid by a couple tablespoons), I put it in my homemade soaps and shampoos, I use it in my tea... so good. Full Circle makes an organic honey that has lemon in it and it is the yummiest thing for tea.
When i have a pimple appearing I put a drop of honey on overnight and it seems to clear it!
here in the uk people who have had ENT surgery or even heart surgery sometimes are given MediHoney (sterilized honey) to put on open wounds, its had very good antibacterial properties and helps heal woulds without scarring. pretty impressive right !
The average honey bee will only make about one twelfth of a teaspoon of honey in its lifetime. The more you know.
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