How do i manage my boyfriend?

51 replies since 11th April 2009 • Last reply 11th April 2009

I don't live with my boy friend but his house used to be such a mess I would go over to his none week and use a glass and leave it then I would come back a few weeks later and the glass would be exactly where I left it! so it got to the point that I would go to his house if I ask him if he'd done the washing up then sit in silence stareing at him and refuse even to hug him, this drew him nuts after a while and now when ever I go over the place is tidy and the dishes are always done.
try it, it worked for me
Good luck

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I hade the same kind of problem with my guy and on the recommendation of my best friend I tried positive reinforcement... Each time I see him doing the dishes... I tell him he's hot when he cleans and that I'm proud I don't have to nag at him and it worked, took about a month or so but he doses them more than twice a week now! ^.^

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what about buying a dishwasher then all he has to do is put them in there ,and when full you can pop tablet in press aswitch and they are done, if you make sure you empty said dishwasher it will always be ready for him tpp put things in

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Ha! Guess buy a dishwasher and you experience what I refer to as "Dishwasher Wars". In the honeymoon period (when the dishwasher was new) I happily loaded and unloaded the dishwasher, putting all of the items away in their various drawers and cupboards, relishing in the new found softness of my hands. After a while it began to dawn on me that I was doing this on average four to five times a week and my bf an average of once. I asked him to empty it one time, when I was rushed and thought this was fair considering I was cooking and wanted to reload it as I made more mess...all that this achieved was a mardy of epic proportions. I approximated that I was losing around an hour a week on dishwasher duties alone and when I added up the other things that I did but he didn't, like cleaning the bathroom and hoovering I made it three times that. It just didn't seem fair. My response to him behaving like such a selfish child was to most certainly, under NO circumstances then continue to live as his maid. I started to pile up dirty dishes in the sink, hiding them under towels when it got gross and stinky. You couldn't get to the tap. There were no clean mugs or plates (bar my secret, hidden one that I reused). The situation didn't resolve straight away with this method as my bf was well aware of my tactic but eventually things got a little cleaner. At the moment the situation is working out quite fairly, without any dispute but I anticipate a return to those desperate times at some point in the future.

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haha well I am super blessed. My husband cleans, we cook together, he is super clean and babies me. haha

As far as what I would do....well....i wouldn't. haha I would be like, do your chores or get out. I like respect, actually...anyone who disrespects me in any way or form, even if it is refusing to be a decent person so I am not slave laboring around, would get tossed like yesterdays trash.
But to each their own. If he doesn't care to wear dirty clothes, over and over again...........then that tells you something.

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I think you should stand up to him. He has no right to get angry at you, he's to holding up his end of the bargain. Sit him down and calmly explain how you feel. Also throwing in some tears wouldn't hurt ;) xx

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Reading all these posts reminds me why I chose cats instead of a man. LOL

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