HELP!! Need Present Ideas!!!

Although I started making my christmas pressies ages ago, I am in need of some urgent present ideas for my dad! I have already made one present for him but am going to make another. My dad is quite a hard person to buy for and he knows what he likes so thats why I tend to make things for him instead - even that can be hard! - so thats why I am asking for your help!!
Please could I have as original ideas as possible. Thank You!!!! Happy

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2 replies since 1st December 2012 • Last reply 1st December 2012

If your dad is a coffee lover you could make him a coffee mug cozy or make him a custom coffee mug.
If your dad is a music lover you could make him some record bowls or coasters.
If nothing else there is handmade cards, or a nicely written note telling him all the reasons you love him.

Fathers are by far the hardest ones to shop for. Hope this helps!

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Thank you so much sounssargent!! I can't believe I didn't think of that mug cosy idea - my dad LOVES coffee Happy

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