Painting Polymer Clay Charms:Bad?
So I sometimes go on Etsy to get ideas for charms that I want to make. Recently I've decided that I want to sell some of my creations. For some of the charms that I "favorited", the desrciption that the sellers put underneath the charm says "no molds, machinery, or paint used on any of my charms." I then realized that usually I paint my charms with acrylic paint because I don't have the money to buy all these different colored polymer clays. I really wouldn't want to try and sell my charms to people if painting them lowers the quality. So is painting them bad?
I don't think that painting the smaller parts is bad, the only reason I can think they would list that is because if they aren't covered in a glaze/gloss/protective finish, the acrylic might rub off or wear off over time. I think if you paint yours and then glaze it you should be fine to sell them online
Oh, pheww! That's good. I have to find a good glaze. I haven't found one that works for me yet. Thank you Pamela.(:
I've seen plenty of painted polymer clay objects on Etsy, so don't worry about it. Pamela is right. As long as you have a good glaze or finish, you should be fine selling your charms.
Thanks, it'll make it alot easier on me.
You can also mix your paint in white clay to create the colors you don't have and it works fine too.
As long as you add a gloss coat, infact sometimes painted looks better
I wouldnt worry like everyones saying a layer or 2 of gloss should help, Fimo and sculpey both have their own glosses for it.
Plus you can get a great variety of effects through painting
Thanks guys, some of the smaller details have to be painted on , so all this advice really helps thanks!
No, but If you get desperate, you can paint them with nail polish
...but avoid nail polish as much as you can. It can get gummy after time, chip off, and/or yellow faster than other glazes
I didn't know that! Oh man I'm scared now. I use nail polish on every thing
Actually .... I know someone that makes clay charms as a full-time business (& ive dabbled in it myself). I honestly think customers value the work more if its done completely in clay, no paint. It makes the charms virtually "wear-proof", bc itll never chip/fade/crack. It also takes more time & effort, & you can sell them for more $ that way. So yeah it does make a difference.
If its done completely in paint, your gonna run into problems with wear (even with gloss) & the value is gonna go down. ...BUT if some lil parts of it is paint (like just the eyes, etc). I think your fine, I do that too. It shouldn't be a problem.
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