Need help!

Just recently I visited a christmas market where a woman sold the most amazing bead jewellery.

She had these thingies that contained of a bracelet and a triangular 'web' that ended in a noose for the middle finger ( see picture ). They were extremely expensive and so I wanted to try to make them myself. I already did these web things, but I don't know how to get the triangular shape......

( just to make it clear, I asked for her allowance to take the photo! )

Maybe someone knows how this works or knows a tutorial? Google didn't help me...

( sorry for my super wonky language, somehow I can't get a straight sentence down... )

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3 replies since 8th December 2010 • Last reply 8th December 2010

Hi there. Start working from the middle once you have made the band. Work outwards and downwards by counting the beads and threading back through beads to create the triangle and diamond shapes. It doesn't look right till you have done a few rows.
Have a play with bigger beads till you feel you've got it. Beads Unlimited may be able to advise you more.
Good luck Happy

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Thank you dear. Happy The starting point was my main problem.
I'll use a few of my cheap plastic ones to practise.

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I agree with Sheila, start in the middle and work down the sides. Once you get the hang of it you'll be making them in no time. I have heard the correct name for those is a "slave bracelet" so googling that might get some different results.

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