crafting for Christmas

Me and my husband agreed to make eachother one presant for under the tree and one stocking stuffer and I am looking for ideas...I saw the previous post but nothing really grabbed my attention so I thought maybe if I put a lil about him on here it might spark some ideas in some of you....he plays rythm guitar in a hard rock band, he wear shorts and a tank top all year long, he deer hunts and fishes,he works as a Respiratory Therapist and he had long hair and tattoos and is very tall....hope that helps...Thanx

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10 replies since 11th November 2010 • Last reply 11th November 2010

I was perusing the Bronner's website and came across something really cute for hunters (all the men in my family hunt). You could make something similar to one of these for him:

Especially if you are particular about your tree, this could be really special for him. I mean.... if my mom gave this to my dad, it would be really special, because she normally would NEVER allow something hunter orange on her tree. ;)

Uhm.... it's really hard to make things for manly men.... anyway, I also made a phone cozy for my boyfriend, who plays guitar; you can see it under my projects here.

Hope I helped or at least sparked some different ideas. Happy

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My boyfriend and I enjoy donuts, so I'm going to be making him some felt donuts and even a felt mustache key chain. You could always get some camouflage fabric and make him a pick case shaped like a pick. This could be something neat for him to keep in his guitar case. just make it look as manly as you can.

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felt donuts is great

I am making mini soaps for everyone

and I making hand made glass bead tree ordiments

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The camo, pick-shaped pick holder is a great idea. ;)

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I really like the pick holder idea!!! me and my friend are gonna try making some homemade guitar pics so this could be a combo gift...thanks

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Would shrink plastic work for the picks? Not sure but just a thought.

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A cheap way to make guitar picks that actually work is use old credit cards. Or even the one's you get in the mail. If your grocery store has store cards you could use those as well.
Just cut them into the shape you want and make sure they are strong yet flexible. Maybe get a few different ones since some guitarists like thinner picks.if you punch a hole in the top you can string them on a chain for a double gift!

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Thanks for tip Felecity-know whats going to be in my hubby's stocking !
I actually got a request for some bookmarks from him-he's a techy and was comparing three techniques and kept losing his page.
The Teen is getting mini gear bags for his adaptors/stuff- black and wolf/Skully stamped of course.

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corner bookmarks are a good idea Debs...i'm making loads of them this year as i LOVE the one i made for me...never falls out either.
(i got a how to if you wanted to look) ;)
Leslee: what about making him a t-shirt either of his band or his fave band? photo paper isn't that expensive now!

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yea I used shrink plastic to make the picks they can out exactly the right thickness too!!!!

I might make him a shirt too I recently found some spraypaint stencil ideas that would make awesome gig shirts!

Thanks Every one

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