52 crafts in 52 weeks

One of my New Years resolutions this year is to make more time for crafting, and on a community I'm a member of on Livejournal (http://community.livejournal.com/craftgrrl/ if anyone's interested in having a look) someone posted pictures of the 50 crafts they made last year. She linked me to http://community.livejournal.com/52_crafts/, where the goal is to make 52 crafts in 52 weeks. So I've made that my New Years resolution for this year.
Is anyone else doing something similar, or have you got any other craft-related New Years resolutions?

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11 replies since 2nd January 2009 • Last reply 2nd January 2009

Sort of, this year I want to learn how to use a sewing machine and be more crafty.
I have so many projects to do this year!
and hey Izzy that's a cool new years resolution. ;)

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I freaking LOVE that idea. I don't know if I would have time.. so far I've done one new one this week.. what's the date?

Have you got a list of ideas to conquer?

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It doesn't necessarily have to be one a week, it's just an aim to complete 52 projects over the 52 weeks of the year.

I haven't got an actual list of ideas yet, I've got some idea floating around in my head though of things I've been meaning to make for a while.

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I've been talking and thinking about this loads these past 24 hours.. It's going to be freaking crazy eh? I mean just think about how much craft paraphernalia you're going to be accumulating!! It's monstrous.

I've been thinking about honing in and perfecting 12 crafts in 12 months. I'd have time to tackle that. I've been writing up a list which is yet to be completed..

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I'm probably going to give quite a lot of them as gifts, because people love handmade gifts and then I don't have all of the things I make cluttering up my room haha. Quite a few of the things I make are going to be practical, like I want to make some pillowcases and a case for my jewellery making tools.

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I'm looking forward to your makings Happy

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That sounds more my speed! I'd be intimidated by the thought of 52...plus I'd already have to play catch-up! I work with a group at church to make things for an annual bazaar, but somehow that seems like cheating. I rarely create the project, I just sit down and do what I'm told!

An even greater challenge would be to do those 12 (or 52) crafts using only...or mostly...the supplies on hand! I know I have lots of stuff that could be put to use, if only I'd organize the ideas and materials. I really like the list idea, as well as putting start dates and deadlines for each.

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I'm hoping that most of the stuff I make will be using stuff I already have, because I need to shrink my stash of craft stuff before I go to uni because I won't be able to take it all with me! Plus I've got a lot of projects I want to do that I've got all the materials for, I just haven't found the time to sit down and do them.

And I don't think I'm organised enough to set deadlines for each thing haha, knowing me I'll get distracted, stop halfway through a project and start a new one, and only go back to the original project weeks later haha.

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That sounds like me Izzy, sometimes I would have up to 4 or 5 projects in progress that I would randomly work on for a while then go to the next one. Eventually they would all get done when I realize that I need to finally finish it.
But yeah, my craft resolution isn't so much about completing so many in a given time, but making gifts for B'days and Christmas for family and friends. So I guess that would be about making and completing them on a certain date at least, but in any case, that's where my list comes in. Family mostly with what I will make for them for either their birthday or Christmas, especially Christmas. They say it's most for the kids, but I hate not getting everybody something, which is not at all budget friendly when you're buying instead of making. So what I don't buy, I make and I get to get everybody something. I get requests from family all the time so that makes my list easier to make. And I have also figured that I could use some of the things that I have already made, things that I have listed in my online shops. I need to update them anyway, ya know...unlisting unsold crafts and listing new ones.
And call me crazy cuz I know it's only January, but I need to get busy.

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miy crafty resalution is to set up and tetsy shop and put up 100+ projects on CO+K (including versions!)

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wow, that is a really good idea, and if you post each craft on CO&K it'll be really easy to monitor how many things you've made! I am sooo going to do that!

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