what are you working on?
I'm working on a lot of eclectic projects currently...Mostly halloween oriented plushies, things to be for sale on etsy, my more popular items for a market place i'm going to be selling them in somtime in december, and clips! Lots of bows clips Oh! And i'm starting to think about making my halloween costume.
Im working on a fat bottom plarn purse, and carding alpaca, off n on.My arms get tired..lol
Newbie Swap
(In a minute, I'll be working on the "love for someone else" swap.) I have to wait till I get a partner.
<font color="deeppink"><b>*Ya'll go sign up for that one!!!</b></font color>
Anyways, I'm also working on stuff that I'm getting PAID for! (happy dance)
*Chicken (though I have to donate that money cause of the pattern maker's copyright...boo)
*baby chicks
*humming bird
*a turtle!
*various items that 1st graders would like. (for a teacher who gives them as gifts for doing well)
I'm so freaking busy right now. lol
Working on my Halloween costume, some jewelry, probably some hair accessories soon and a pair of shorts. And anything else that pops into my mind.
Done the felt skull... now I'm working on getting a good picture of it so I can post it. I'm also working on making some beaded spiders and a bloody shower curtain.
Working on a rosary someone bought from me. I had to send for new crosses to make it because I ran out. Got them in the mail today so I can finally get started!
Up until the 1st of Oct I was working on Heather C's newbie vs vet swap.
Now I've made these:
Except I wasn't 100% keen on the head, so atm my angels are headless. I've made 4, one for each of my newphes and niece. So what I'm going to do is get a picture of my 3 nephews and niece and put their faces on the angels.
I just fancied doing some paper craft after all the sewing and embroidering I've been doing lately...
Ooooh and I'm going to pierce a hole in each of them so they can hang them on their Christmas tree this year!!!
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