These printed pencil pouches are super cute!
18 projects
who doesn't love cute organization?? I know i sure love it!
Peggy M.
where is the pattern for the Jenny Bag?
Copper Bo
5 projects
I have no idea when I am going to do this. But I have to do it and do it soon. Thanks for the tut!
sumi s.
nice one....
Princess Pam-attitude
Pocatello, Idaho, US
332 projects
Thats such a good idea! I could finally organizes all my crayola items!
Arianna M.
I LOVE THAT!!!! As an art student that would be adorable, and great for organizing.
Arianna M.
I LOVE THAT!!!! As an art student that would be adorable, and great for organizing.
Arianna M.
I LOVE THAT!!!! As an art student that would be adorable, and great for organizing.