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Now you can smell nice and be good to the environment with your own, homemade deodorant.
Check out the how-to-to from Little House In The Suburbs.
It may be a bit of an unusual combination but these lemon ricotta muffins look delicious.
Check out the recipe from Recipe Girl.
These little finger puppets are so adorable, it makes me want to run off and learn how to crochet.
Check out the patterns from Purl Bee.
You've heard of a pizza pie, now try out a pasta pie!
Check out the recipe from Noble Pig.
We've got three prize packs, filled with goodies from The Submarines up for grab in our latest music-themed craft contest.
For a chance of winning a bag, album, badges and free download card, simply enter your music-themed craft projects below. You can enter up to 3 times, so good luck!
Here's a neat idea for repurposing glass jars and bottles, turn them in to photo frames!
Check out the how-to from Photojojo.
Here's a great beginner project for someone wanting to learn how to stencil.
Check out the how-to from Stencil Punks.
These homemade garlicky fries look delicious, even if they may not be very good for you.
Check out the recipe from Eat Make Read.
If you're in London this Wednesday, you might wanna check out our friends, the Craft Guerrilla's birthday celebrations:
Here's what they had to say:
"Darn it,we're one year old!" Come celebrate our first birthday on Wednesday the 18th of march at the Castle E17. Goody bags for the first 50 people through the door! Great craft projects,guest DJ's,Vintage board games, Guilty Pleasures (bring your love to hate records and we'll play them for you) and a special "darning" class to help you through the credit crunch.This is no time for chucking things out! Bring along your holey jumpers and we'll show you how to be a master "darner"! Free entry. From 8pm until late.
For more information, dates and venue address visit our blog page:
These flower fairy lights look truly magical and would brighten up any grotto.
Check out the how-to from Espirit Cabane.