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If you're in London this Wednesday, you might wanna check out our friends, the Craft Guerrilla's birthday celebrations:

Here's what they had to say:

"Darn it,we're one year old!" Come celebrate our first birthday on Wednesday the 18th of march at the Castle E17. Goody bags for the first 50 people through the door! Great craft projects,guest DJ's,Vintage board games, Guilty Pleasures (bring your love to hate records and we'll play them for you) and a special "darning" class to help you through the credit crunch.This is no time for chucking things out! Bring along your holey jumpers and we'll show you how to be a master "darner"! Free entry. From 8pm until late.

For more information, dates and venue address visit our blog page: www.eastlondoncraftguerrilla.blogspot.com




Perri L.
Perri L.
Ooooh I sat around all evening with nothing to do with my lovely craft friend, and now, at midnight while I search the interweb to put off going to bed, I find this! Bad times.
SewDanish · 6 projects
Unfurtunately I won't be coming down to London to day, otherwise I would have stopped by Happy Congratulations on your 1st year. Sounds like a great projct you have going on there. Louise' mum Anette Morgan told about your group a while back and I had a look at your blog.
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