Band Q&A »

Who are you and where do you come from?

The Mighty Roars, post punk pop from London and Sweden but we met in Berlin.

Where does your name come from?

We do a lot of harmony singing like the Andrews Sisters and Lara (singer) saw us in the mirror singing together like roars...

Who's in the band and where did you meet?

Lara Granqvist from Sweden and Europe plays bass and sings, David Pringuer from a pig farm in Wiltshire plays drums temporarily and sings and Martin Pilkington from Blackpool plays lead guitar and sings. Lara and David met in Berlin whilst Lara was on holiday and David was working as a truck driver. They met hitch-hiking.

How would you describe your music?

Loud, energetic and unhinged but pop.

What makes your band unique?

We are the pantomime horse.

Who are your musical influences?

A huge collision of things between Simon and Garfunkel and Sebadoh. Anything with life that sounds like it might burst out of itself.

Tell us a bit about your current album and the inspirations behind it?

This is our second album written after Lara's father died. we were lost for a bit and we toured in America most of it was written in the woods of Pensylvania where we had a disastrous recording session and ended up hiring a car and heading south to the sea to recuperate in South Carolina. We wrote so many songs and we are doing a separate acoustic album.

Where are your favorite places to tour?

As a British band it is really eye opening playing in mainland Europe. They treat you with a respect which is most unusual, especially if you are used to London. People genuinely are into coming out to enjoy themselves unlike the cynical audiences you get used to in London. Italy is fantastic cos of the food.

Where do you look for inspiration when songwriting?

I use the great white telephone quite a lot.

Are there any ways the band try to be DIY or crafty?

I think every band owes it to themselves to be DIY its almost a full time deal promoting yourself these days. Sometimes I wonder if I am a musician or a computer programmer. We always try to get on with promoters and develop relationships. Its all about relationships really and you dont have to be crafty but just interested.

What would you be doing if you weren't in a band?

Lara is an animator (check out some of her stuff at themightyroars on youtube). Martin is a comedian. David would be that grumpy recording engineer who always knows better.

What was the last record you bought?

Official Secrets Act.

Hopes and dreams for this year?

World Peace.

What's next for you?

We aim to finally finish the scale model of the millennium falcon.

Check out more from the band on their MySpace.




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