If you're a lover of handbags but can't afford to splash out on a new one, then Refashioned Bags by Faith & Justina Blakeney will help you to upcycle anything into high-style handbags.
The authors of the 99 ways series are back with a new book, filled with tutorials for revamping common household items in to stylish and fashionable handbags. Turn a broken umbrella into a Rainy Day Shopper, a tweed jacket in to a Suit Messenger Bag, a sweater in to a computer cozy, and weave strips of magazine in to a Magbag. Each project is accompanied by easy to follow instructions, making their construction easier than ever.
Now you can have a DIY bag for every day of the week and every occasion, by upcycling unwanted clutter from your home.
Check out a sample project from the book, Shower Curtain Tote.
You can pick up a copy of the book from Random House now.