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Superhero Sunday

Our favorite artists, illustrators & comic book authors discuss their work and show us their take on our crafty supehero, Crafterella

I am a self taught Australian artist, I love things melancholic, romantic, and quirky. The girls that I paint are pretty much little pieces of my brain & heart. Fish,stars, a few numbers and circles often appear along with my girls, and these symbols are how I tie my own meaning into the painting. They are my way of reminding myself, who or what I was painting about, & are a little along the lines of the spooky and quirky subconscious left of field. Aside from painting & drawing I spend my time delving into things that remind me of my Nanna like hunting for vintage treasures in op shops and baking.

Adriana (Vargas) Blake is a Venezuelan who has lived in the US and Canada since 1996. She's enjoyed drawing from an early age and decided to attend animation school from 2002-2005. She's worked on various animation and comic projects, including PBS' "Arthur", Cartoon Network's "Johnny Test", and Action Lab Comics' "Princeless."

She currently lives near Toronto, Canada with her husband, daughter and two birds.

My work is about love. It is about a deep experience of all aspects of the life we all live: pleasant, unpleasant, real or imaginary. It is about the love for the ‘inner child’ in all of us.
I love colour and texture and I use it in my art, I explore it with mixed media, mostly a mix of acrylics, watercolours, inks, pencils and resin.

My name is Katie Chappell. I am an artist living in Berlin, Germany. I grew up in North East England, received my foundation degree in animation from Newcastle College and my BA(hons) in Illustration and design from Sunderland University. I live on the 4th floor of an old German block of flats overlooking a canal with ducks that I like to listen to while I work. In amongst the plants on my desk I create playful drawings and paintings that have been described as 'innocent, with a hand-rendered feel'. During my time in the UK I founded the urban sketching group, Sketchcrawl North East, started Illustration Bandits magazine and co-animated a film for the Angel of the North's 15th anniversary. Most recently I have worked with Newcastle University to illustrate a series of short stories about future sustainability and eco-friendliness in the city.

I am a freelance Illustrator originally from London and now relocated to the sometimes sunny seaside city of Brighton. Over the last 10 years, I have worked on a diverse range of projects from CD covers to painting murals onto giant models of baby elephants, owls and eggs for wildlife charites.

My style is graphic, colourful, nostalgic and quirky. I find inspiration almost anywhere; from the natural world and my urban surroundings to stylish Art Deco architecture, psychedelic posters of the 60's and the wallpapers of William Morris. My illustrations are created by stating out with a pencil sketch, which I then trace onto pieces of paper, fabric and other surfaces. I then assemble all the bits and scan into Photoshop. I like my designs to have an uplifting feel and tell the viewer a story.

I’m a Portuguese illustrator, currently living in Lisbon with my boyfriend and my cat. I like to draw cat ladies wearing colorful outfits and some of my inspiring fictional characters of literature/ cinema. Apart for being an illustrator I’m also a lawyer.

I'm a freelance illustrator and cartoonist based in San Francisco. I work at an awesome comic book store in the city and love to enthuse about plot lines, inking and character design all day. At home, I love to binge watch Frasier while drawing sassy pin-ups and drinking endless Matcha lattes. I'm inspired by vintage tattoo flash, 90s TV shows and my fellow bus-riders (who do the strangest things). On my days off I try and explore the city's many parks and find the best brunch spots.

Jake Romano is a human being and an artist in the heart of New Jersey (and by heart, he means Bergen County...) He is both a full-time optimist and a full-time graphic designer for a start up advertising business where he gets to obsess all day over fonts and doodle to his heart's content.

My name is Marie Gardeski. I am an artist living in Indiana. I grew up in the Mitten (Grand Rapids, MI, to be exact), received my BFA from the Maryland Institute College of Art and my MFA from the Cranbrook Academy of Art. I live 44 feet above street level in The Museum of Imaginary Animals (a rambling, south facing 100+ year old apartment) where I share a sunny studio with my favorite person and artist, David Birkey. At my toy-strewn desk I create delicately detailed drawings of seemingly sweet subjects in strange (and sometimes slightly scary) situations. I also design fabrics featuring hand-drawn plants, animals and miscellaneous doodles. My husband and I are the team behind the brand/shop Imaginary Animal.

Mel Macklin is a kitsch-smitten, fairytale-fancying, pop-femme picture-maker from Melbourne, Australia.

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