Hi, I'm Claudia, or Crea.
I like to do accessories or anything I feel like trying to do when I have free time, or when I'm supposed to study.
English is not my mother-tongue, so you are most likely to find some mistakes or that I don't use the right names. But if I don't practice, I won't get it better
It will be difficult to keep creating accessories or anything I need or just feel like wanting to do because I moved and I have little or no space at all, at least until I move again :c
I love to go on accessories shops just to get ideas to make my own. Sometimes they are too expensive for their little size (I really don't feel like spending 8 pounds in one simple necklace) or I would change something to make them more 'me'.
I like to do accessories or anything I feel like trying to do when I have free time, or when I'm supposed to study.
English is not my mother-tongue, so you are most likely to find some mistakes or that I don't use the right names. But if I don't practice, I won't get it better

It will be difficult to keep creating accessories or anything I need or just feel like wanting to do because I moved and I have little or no space at all, at least until I move again :c
I love to go on accessories shops just to get ideas to make my own. Sometimes they are too expensive for their little size (I really don't feel like spending 8 pounds in one simple necklace) or I would change something to make them more 'me'.
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Recent Activity
- posted a post to Help! Circle dress into... less of a circle? 31 Jan 20:11
- commented on her comment Hi, thank you for adding my layered skirt to your favourites :) to Agresija 07 Apr 18:36
- commented on her comment Hello, thank you for favouriting my layered Skirt :D to Saito Volnutt 07 Apr 18:25
Joined 2011

Jodi C.
Panhandle, Texas, US
4 projects
You're welcome!