I <3 lolita, cakes and all things cute! i dont no much about cooking or sewing, but i realy want to learn!! i think all alterntive fashion is totaly amazing!! id love to make lots of new freinds on this site, and i hope i can learn from you all!!!
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- followed TakeMe2Tokyo 12 Oct 11:20
Kiku-chan hasn't posted any projects yet
Joined 2011

Omaha, Nebraska, US
207 projects
Thanks for favoring my Marianne bonnet?

its ok i'm a bit behind as-well. hehe

Roma, Queensland, AU
4 projects
Hi! Sorry about the late reply to your friend request - I'm just in the midst of my final studies for school. I hope to be more active on here once I have finished though

Adrienne K.
5 projects
I used the recipe for cheese cakes from the Hersheys website. I don't remember what is is called at the moment but it has a "base" recipe and then tells you how to add flavors.

Adrienne K.
5 projects
I used the recipe for cheese cakes from the Hersheys website. I don't remember what is is called at the moment but it has a "base" recipe and then tells you how to add flavors.

Dundee, Scotland, GB
20 projects
Thanks for the fave on my Nyan cat cake <3

No prob, i thought it was cool!!!

Omaha, Nebraska, US
207 projects
Thanks for favoring my Be My Valentine Bustier

its ok i think there realy awsome, i wish i could do that!!!

Stacy H.
Melbourne, Victoria, AU
23 projects
Thank you for the fave (Shirley Temple dress).

Chesterfield, England, GB
33 projects
Thankyou for the fav on my miniature crown headband!!