I'm 23 years old and I've just finished (in July 2010) my studies at a fashion and costume academy in Rome, during 5 years, then I started working in costume and fashion world.
My daily job is costume designer assistant.
In my "spare time", I work as a fashion stylist, especially for photo shooting; I love this second job a lot, and would like it to become my first one.
I am an aspiring fashion designer as well, designing clothes and accessories for a brand I'm building with some friends.
My daily job is costume designer assistant.
In my "spare time", I work as a fashion stylist, especially for photo shooting; I love this second job a lot, and would like it to become my first one.
I am an aspiring fashion designer as well, designing clothes and accessories for a brand I'm building with some friends.

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- commented on her comment :D thank to you both! I'm very happy you like my tutotorial! I'm adding others soon! Stay tuned :D to Black Feathers Clutch 20 Dec 23:57