Recent Activity
- favorited Melting Tights 01 Feb 22:10
- commented on her comment Thanks girls! ♥ to The Owlhat I Once Knitted Twice. 20 Jan 07:32
- commented on her comment I once sew mittens out of a sweater with small sleeves. I turned out great! Very nice with the long top of the hat! ♥ to From Sweater To Hat :) 11 Jan 06:08
- commented on her comment Lovely. Like a fairytale. to Sleepy Bird 10 Jan 15:54
- followed Jet H. 10 Jan 15:53
- commented on her comment Thank u! to Wire Wrapped Tree Of Life Ornament 10 Jan 15:51
- commented on her comment OMG I have to make one! How cool! Lovely! to Lovely Batwing Shaped Shawl 04 Jan 19:13
- commented on her comment Supecute! Miao! to Owl Brooch 03 Jan 20:40
- commented on her comment I really love papercrafting, the child within get's happy of it! to Origami Kimono Bookmark: The Sequel 03 Jan 09:36
- commented on her comment Thank u michelle! to Granny Square Shawl 29 Dec 10:02
- commented on her comment Very pretty! In Sweden we can buy these in the stores, but they're not as cute as this handmade version. to Tiny Toadstools Sitting Between The Sheets ) 26 Dec 11:49
- commented on her comment It's adorable! I love it! to Valentine Heart Rings 25 Dec 13:31
and all things came okay at the end. whish that was true in real life as well.;-D
but dreaming and thinking and fantasy off is working too.;-D
thank you too for your fave .
hey , much hugs and xxxxxx
love your projects sooo stylish and not so commen like that. , very beautiful !!!
Saw a little dress with the stich of the owl that you ahd used for your hat, but i thought humm i find yours much greater and cooler.
I have been in your country when i was much younger and loved it , love the people too.
sooo friendly and helpful, so very intresting things of your culture so i have great memories of your country.
If you like we can write to each other, i will like that.
but i must warn you, i'm a big talker.LOL but i don't expect the same of others.
Will jump later to your websites,
hey have an nice fun eve and great fun rest of the week as well
hugs and kisses
but making them selfs is fun to do too. Only not smart when you have cats.
My youngest cat the birmilla has stoolen them all , i was forgotten to hold them out the plantpot after the fotoshoot.LOL Mostly she brings them back to me as her 'toys' but i think she has forgotten them too, so i must be patiance.LOL
Wish you much crafting fun with the making of yours and a very awesome great fun good creative crafting new year as well!!!;=D