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- favorited Diy Removable Shoe Wings 04 Jan 03:44
- commented on her comment Hi Megan, thanks for liking my creations! Most of them are beer tabs, lol. I don't drink soda or beer, but I have a bunch of friends collecting tabs for me, and my son and his friends consume quite a lot of beverages, lol! to Pop Tab Bracelet 28 May 06:18
- commented on her comment Thanks! I enjoy making them, that's for sure. Just be sure to bleach the tabs, then clip and sand the sharp bits from where it comes off the can - that's the most time-consuming part. If you don't sand well, the tab will rip/snag the ribbon. to Pop Tab Bracelet 10 May 02:48
Joined 2010

Cheshunt, England, GB
58 projects
Thanks for faving my Soda Can Robot How-to