Hello, My name is Ica, and I'm a Music Loving, Book Reading, Belly Dancing, Poetry Writing, Art/Craft Making, Photography Taking, Yoga Doing, Clothes sewing... Addict :-P
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- favorited Filigree Chain Ring (Aka Slave Ring) 06 Sep 17:13
IcaKay hasn't posted any projects yet
I hope your day is full of that which is awesome!
To answer your question, I used varnish- 4 coats of it. My room smelled awful after it was done XD
The gummies harden over time, but they'll always be a bit squishy. However, the colder the temperature, the harder they are. Therefore, if you're wearing them on your wrist for a while, they'll probably get squishier as time goes by from your body heat.
If you completely cover them though, they will NOT be sticky. I've had mine for over a year and I've had no problem with them.