After being temporarily blind for 8 months and numerous surgeries I now have most of my sight back. My husband told me I needed a hobby and here it is. I make rings and earrings for fun.
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- commented on her comment Thanks for the favorite! Lori to Snarah Panera 11 Jan 02:42
mine are ages ago came out France as refugees , you can see it a little of hour dark hair and blue eyes in the family.
like thos things, i think we are all connceted in a funny kind of way, not like family but off all kind of things , study's interesses , hobby's that great don't you think.
Hey have a lazy sunday afternoon and a very great weekas well;-D
hey thank you very much of you fave of my cathouse project, much fun with the making of ;-D
hey have a nice fun weekend;-D
and thank you of your sweet words on the comment as well.
i like your projects fo your nails,
lovely and awesome , glad to hear that you have some of your sight back.
i have some sight problems at the moment too, so i know how it must be kind of. i have problems with eyemigraine and normal migraine, so i have a lot of trouble to find my shoppings and when people mentioned you must use your glasses, i always tell them that doens't help at the moment.LOL
hey have an lazy fun sunday afternoon and a great fun week with a lot of crafting fun;-D
thanks for the fav
you are sooo AMAZING<333
thank you soo muches!!~~
heehee ill be sure to make it soon=)