I'm a crazy percussionist who loves crafting in her free time. I'm a crocheter, knitter, and amateur sewer and quilter. I am also in love with costumes and everything Halloween related! If it were up to me, we would have Halloween every month instead of every year

Thanks a lot for favoring my bag!
i always forget to make those titles shorter.
i 'm glad that you liked it and wish you much crafting fun with the making of, Gerard my coach is a teacher as well and he use his gitar etui on school his students liked it and found him a cool teacher.LOL
hey have an awesome fun fine week;-D
I had trouble uploading the video =(
but this is the link, if you want to see it!
Have a lovely day!
Haha. The only advice I have is to take your time, and don't get too frustrated! I cried many a-tear over that costume. Haha. Good luck
Enjoy it, and make sure to post a version!