Recent Activity
- favorited Glow In The Dark Key Toppers 15 Nov 16:36
- favorited Googly Eye Phone Case 15 Nov 16:35
- favorited Watermelon Cocktails 15 Nov 16:34
- favorited Paper And Wire Heart Garland 15 Nov 16:33
- favorited Watermelon Scarf 15 Nov 16:32
- favorited Vinyl Mustache Mugs 15 Nov 16:30
- favorited Hymn Coasters 15 Nov 16:29
- favorited Decorating Mugs & Plates With A Sharpie Marker 15 Nov 16:28
- favorited Decorating Mugs & Plates With A Sharpie Marker 15 Nov 16:28
- favorited Polka Dot Mason Jars 15 Nov 16:26
- favorited Mod Podge Gift Chest 15 Nov 16:24
- favorited Diy Fabric Headboard Tutorial 15 Nov 16:21
KarmaHappens hasn't posted any projects yet
Joined 2009

U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, US
2 projects
Thanks for faving my zipper flower how-to.

Becks S.
U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, US
36 projects
thanks for favoriting my ring! :]]

Natalie S.
London, GB
8 projects
P.s. sorry for sending that twice, I noticed a grammatical error after sending it so I corrected it and then pressed send again...You don't need to know all this.

Natalie S.
London, GB
8 projects
Hello, thanks for your lovely words about my bag and for adding it to your favourites. I do have plans to put them on Ebay but I have to start making more of them first...To be honest I'm a bit lazy and have a tendency to put off the bag-making in favour of much simpler projects

Natalie S.
London, GB
8 projects
Hello, thanks for your lovely words about my bag and for adding it to your favourites. I do have plans to put them on Ebay but I have to start making more of them first...To be honest I'm a bit lazy and have a tendency to put off the bag-making in favour of much more simpler projects

La Cañada Flintridge, California, US
3 projects
Thanks for adding my bracelet how-to to your favs.