Writing, crafting, reading, bike riding, costuming and super villainry are among my top interests right now.
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- entered their project Little Red Riding Hood & The Big Bad Wolf to Zombie Felties Contest 06 Nov 02:58
Joined 2009

Sheila Squirrel
Hi and welcome back. Thanks for faving my sling. I wore it for a while until I saw a surgeon that gave me a different diagnosis to my GP. There isn't much point to me wearing it now but it is fun to wear with my bustle outfit just for giggles and to protect my arm if I go to any gigs ;)

Acintya S.
1 project
Thank you for faving my zombie head

Broken Hill, New South Wales, AU
9 projects
Thank you for favouriting my chalk board =

Sheila Squirrel
Thanks for the friend request. Stop by and say hi anytime. Love your book selection

Sheila Squirrel
Thanks for the favourite on my gathered bustle