Recent Activity
- followed PinkWeeds 27 Jul 08:35
- commented on their comment @TR F. It is. ;) to Olive Oil & Citron Hair Mask 01 Sep 18:02
- commented on their comment Most people will get very dry hair if they apply pure honey. Interesting that it works on your hair. to Honey Treatment For Split Ends 01 Sep 18:01
- commented on their comment Thank you! =) to Stephy 19 Jan 18:32
- commented on their comment If I had more sewing experience I would try to make a similiar one. (Only... Not pink! ^^) Meh... Somehow it's not easy to make short skirts which actually look good. to Pink Skirt With White Lace 26 Dec 16:12
- commented on their comment If I had more sewing experience I would try to make a similiar one. (Only... Not pink! ^^) Meh... Somehow it's not easy to make short skirts which actually look good. to Pink Skirt With White Lace 26 Dec 15:47
- commented on their comment Great idea. Gotta make one for myself. =) to Teen Vougue Shirt.... 25 Dec 12:05
- commented on their comment I'd really like to see those. =) to Fimo Hair Sticks 24 Dec 15:12
- commented on their comment I don't have the tools either. But I have nice neighbours who sometimes lend me stuff. ;) to Chop Sticks To Hair Sticks 24 Dec 15:11
- commented on their comment Hmm... I think I need more fimo. ^^ to Fimo Hair Sticks 24 Dec 02:16
- followed Beads Unlimited 11 Sep 09:21
- followed michelle G. 09 Aug 13:17
Joined 2008

Omaha, Nebraska, US
207 projects
I saw your picture and am slightly freaked out because it looks just like a girl I went to high school with.

Sheila Squirrel
Thank you for favouring my underbust corset x

Beads Unlimited
Brighton, England, GB
97 projects
Thanks for adding our planets jewellery set to your faves!

Murphysboro, Illinois, US
3 projects
The hair in both of your projects looks amazing. It's so pretty and shiny.

michelle G.
Antigonish, Nova Scotia, CA
1258 projects
velien dank fur die email.
Du bist ganz suss.