Amie is a funky chickadee from Brisbane in Queensland, Australia. She likes vintage fashion, retro kitsch and aspires to be a writer. Amie also enjoys writing about herself in the third person. She often states, "Yeah, Amie talks about herself in the third person all the time." Critics are quick to note, however, that Amie hardly ever refers to herself in the third person outside of stupid internet biographies.
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- followed Allex 18 Dec 07:25
- commented on their comment Ooooo that's awesome! Tulle is the bestest. to Rocking tutu x 24 Oct 23:43
- commented on their comment I just had a little play with the site and tried out Keira Knightley's short style.. I looked exactly like my mum when she was my age! It was uncanny. to Hollywood Makeover 05 Oct 02:48
- commented on their comment That is so cool. I think my boyfriend would think I was nuts if I did it though. to Rainbow Of Books 24 Sep 23:48
- followed narrator 22 Sep 23:34
- commented on their comment We have Digestives in Australia, but I'm absolutely going to make this with Tim Tams. to Chocolate Biscuit Bars 11 Sep 09:37
- commented on their comment Invest in quality, well fitted underwear. A properly fitted bra will do wonders for your posture and won't show lines under your clothes (same goes for knickers). And always be kind to your feet. Blisters and bandaids are no price to pay for prett... to Little Black Book Competition 09 Sep 22:23
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